Greetings! As our SVKM’s-IOT, Dhule has taken initiative and inaugurated E-Yantra Lab with the help of IIT, Bombay dated on 20th Dec 2018. Inauguration for E-Yantra Lab was done by our Principal Sir Dr. Nilesh P. Salunke in presence of IIT, Bombay’s E-yantra Team through online streaming. The team members and faculty In-charges for the E-Yantra Lab from SVKM’s Institute of Technology are:
- Prof. Alfatmi Khalid(Team Leader)
- Prof. Vishal Moyal
- Prof. Mohammed Juneduddin
- Prof. Ashish Awate
The purpose of inauguration of E-Yantra Lab “E- Yantra Lab setup initiative” is a project to spread education in embedded systems and Robotics by IIT Bombay sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) at SVKM’s IOT. It supports infrastructure creation at colleges by providing a platform for training teachers in theory and application of robotics, in addition to providing guidance in setting up a Robotics lab at the college.

By this initiative:
1. A team of teachers from an institute are trained at IIT Bombay for 2 days free of cost.
2. These teachers are given some assignments called as Task Based Training, to be performed at their respective institutes, which needs to be completed within a stipulated time (approx. 4 months).
3. During this duration a robotic lab is setup at the institute. All expenses are borne by the institute.
4. Once the teacher training is completed successfully, the Robotic lab is inaugurated at the institute which is further used to train other teachers and students.